Guest ContributorA Passion Born: Claire's Natural Hospital Birth of Baby SebastianIn order to fully understand the birth story of my little Sebastian, I would like to share the heartbreak and hope that led us to him. In...
Guest ContributorMy Blood Given Up for You: Mary's Home Birth of Baby Beatrix After InfertilityBefore my husband and I got married, I’d never really given much thought to birth or the kind of birth that I might want. All I knew was...
Guest ContributorA Birth of Surrender - Dana's Home Birth of XavierBack story: We gave birth to our first son Lorenzo in the hospital at the peak of COVID regulations, during the time of lockdown. The...
Mary HaseltineWhat Your Doctor or Midwife May Not Tell You About some countries named Syntocin...if you've heard modern stories of birth, you may have heard of this oft-used medication. In...
Mary HaseltineExcessive Bleeding After Birth and Thoughts on PreventionIn a normal birth after your baby comes out, there is bleeding from your womb where the placenta has detached. This is normal and...