Mary HaseltineStanisława Leszczyńska - Midwife of Auschwitz and Patroness of Made for This BirthOriginal Image Source Servant of God Stanisława Leszczyńska May 8, 1896 - March 11, 1974 If you've poked around on the Made for This...
Mary HaseltineExciting News - Android App NOW AVAILABLE from Made for This Birth!!We are thrilled to announce that the Android version of the Made for This Birth app IS NOW AVAILABLE!!! We have worked hundreds of hours...
Mary HaseltineTen Ways to Address Fear and Anxiety When PregnantIt is incredibly common for women to struggle with fear and anxiety during pregnancy. Perhaps it is because pregnancy opens us, not just...
Mary HaseltineNew Affirmation Collections Now in the Shop (and a coupon code!)"Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove what is the will of God, what is...
Guest ContributorTrust in the Lord - Clarisse's Loss, Prenatal Diagnosis, Hospital Birth, and Miracle Healing“Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct...
Mary HaseltineLook What's New on the Made for This Birth App!Ready for a TRULY holistic pregnancy tracker? One that approaches pregnancy and birth in an authentically integrated way? One that isn't...