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New Affirmation Collections Now in the Shop (and a coupon code!)

"Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." Romans 12:2

As Christians we seek to renew our minds in all things, seeing as God sees and not as the world does. This includes pregnancy and it includes birth. We cannot claim to be renewing our minds in Christ while still spouting opinions and slogans of the world when it comes to the female body and His design for pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, and motherhood. He wants to renew how we view and think about ALL of it.

When it comes to birth, we almost always need reminders of what we know to be true, helpful, and encouraging about us, about birth, about God before and during the birth itself. Our affirmations in the shop are designed to be do just that.

We're excited to share that we now have TWO new redesigned collections of printable affirmations for pregnancy and birth!

You can choose between two different style collections as well as six different types of affirmations: Scripture, saint quotes, supernatural, standard, traditional prayers, and Made for This book quotes. You can also save and buy a bundle pack and get all six packs in one! That means 120 affirmations to choose from! You can look through the affirmations on your computer, pick the ones that resonate with you most, then print them off for your use during pregnancy, birth, and after.

To celebrate, now through the end of this Friday (9/15), use code FULLOFGRACE to get 15% ANY affirmation pack or bundle!

The Rosa Mystica collection is designed to honor beauty, grace, and the new awakening of our femininity during birth. It offers warmer colors and soft and romantic pink and green florals.

The Eva Nova collection is simple, pure, and reminiscent of the gift of new life and new hope. It features cooler subtle color and a clean minimalist style trimmed with uncluttered botanicals.

Our previous affirmation design that we had for sale is still there and available as well. If you previously took advantage of the free affirmation sampler pack through the app or site membership, you can also go back to that same page find new updated sampler packs to choose from!

People use affirmations in all sorts of ways. The most popular way is to hang them in your birth space to surround you with encouragement and truth during labor and birth. That also gives your birth team some inspiration of things they can say to help you along!

Some women hang them throughout the house before birth, too, to prepare their minds, hearts, and souls for birth. You can pack them to bring them to a birth center or hospital to hang or set out if not birthing at home. We've had women put them in "birth binders" along with their birth plan, other notes for birth, prayers, pictures of their children/wedding/saints/etc.

You can slip a few into your prayer book or Bible. They're also sized so that you can frame them easily! Many of the affirmations are also completely appropriate for postpartum time and the struggles that can come with it.

We hope they bless you! CHECK THEM OUT HERE! And remember code FULLOFGRACE for 15% off through this Friday only!

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