What should you have on hand or bring for your birth? We've got you covered right here!
Below you'll find your master list of things to have on hand for either a home birth OR a hospital/birth center birth, along with some explanations if needed. AND we have a free download to print out and use as a checklist!
You'll likely have some of these things on hand already but we also have links to where you can find them. Many of them can also be borrowed and some can be bought secondhand or at the dollar store. Don't forget your local Buy Nothing group as well.
Always keep in mind, there's not a whole lot of supplies you NEED to have a baby so don't let lists like these overwhelm you! Remember that women have been giving birth for thousands of years without a whole lot of these modern day supplies. But many of them sure can be helpful or comforting to have in some situations and they can contribute to making it the experience you want or are just plain convenient. Also remember that this is your birth and each woman and labor is unique. Some things are going to be more helpful for some and less for others. We tend to think that it's better to have it on hand and not use it than to want it in the moment and not have it ready.
Different hospitals, birth centers, and home birth midwives will provide some of these things so ask your particular place or provider if needed. If you plan on birthing at a hospital or birth center but laboring at home for as long as possible, it would be helpful to take a look at some of the home birth supplies for labor that you might also want to consider as well.
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Home Birth:
Large Waterproof Chux Pads (at least 20)
Shower Curtain, Vinyl Tablecloth, or Waterproof Mattress Pad for Bed (This goes on top of good sheets and then the old fitted sheet goes on top of the waterproof layer)
2 Extra Large Heavy Duty Garbage Bags (One for garbage, one for laundry)
Gallon Freezer Bag to Store Placenta
Hydrogen Peroxide (for any blood stains)
Blankets/Towels (to help with mess or keep baby warm - ones you don't mind getting messy)
Labor Aids/Comfort:
Heating Pad/Hot Water Bottle
Tennis/Massage Balls for Counter Pressure
Wide Tooth Combs for Squeezing
Hair Ties/Head Bands
Bowl or Emesis Bags for Possible Vomiting
Candles (Get them blessed if possible!)
Essential Oil Diffuser/Preferred Oils
Disposable Underwear (Depends/Rael)
Lots of Heavy Flow Menstrual Pads (either cloth or disposable)
Afterease, Arnica, and/or Ibuprofen (for afterpains. See our post on afterpains here.)
***Please click here for our Postpartum Essentials Resource for a more comprehensive list of postpartum items to have ready.***
For Nourishment:
Easily Accessible Snacks (for both mom and team)
Coffee for Birth Team
Well Stocked Pantry/Freezer (for Postpartum Meals)
For Water Birth:
Liner for Pool if Desired (Liner is thrown away after rather than having to clean out pool.)
Waterproof Layer for Under Pool (to protect floor...plastic drop cloth, shower curtain, tablecloth, etc.)
Food Grade Hose (must reach from water source to pool)
Faucet Adaptor for Hose (Be sure your hose can connect to your water source before labor. You can often unscrew the tip of your faucet and bring to a hardware/plumbing supply store to help get the right match.)
Air Pump for Pool
Water Pump to Empty Pool
Sieve/Fish Net (for Poop/Debris in Water)
Thermometer (Water should be around 100 degrees Fahrenheit.)
Spiritual Resources:
Holy Water
Blessed Salt
Favorite Holy Images or Statues
Specific Desired Prayers for Labor Printed
Blessed Medals, Rosary, Other Sacramentals
For Baby:
Tie/Clamp for Cord (if not provided by midwife)
Candle and Box/Tray if Burning Cord
Goldenseal Powder (very small amount to help dry cord stump and prevent infection if desired)
Small Amount Coconut/Olive Oil (for baby's bum to keep meconium from sticking)
Newborn/Size 1 Diapers

Hospital or Birth Center:
Cell Phones and Extra Charger
Necessary Toiletries or Medications (Extra Contacts, Glasses, Toothbrush, Etc.)
2-3 Copies of Birth Plan
Insurance Card/Identification
Gas in Car
Credit Card/Cash (for any parking fees, tolls, food delivered, etc.)
Old Towel or Chux Pad in Car (in case water releases or is leaking)
Labor Aids/Comfort:
If your birth place has tubs or a birth pool, sports bra/swim top if desired or swim trunks for husband
Tennis/Massage Balls for Counter Pressure
Wide Tooth Combs for Squeezing
Birth Ball (if not provided by location)
Hair Ties/Head Bands
Eye Mask to Block Distractions or Sleep
Ear Buds/Head Phones to Block Noise
Essential Oil Diffuser/Preferred Oils
For Nourishment:
Big Water Bottle with straw top
Lots of Accessible Snacks (both for mom and team)
Spiritual Resources:
Holy Water
Blessed Salt
Favorite Holy Images or Statues
Specific Desired Prayers for Labor Printed (to Possibly Remind Birth Team)
Blessed Medals, Rosary, Other Sacramentals
Disposable Underwear like Depends or Rael (if preferred to hospital mesh underwear)
Other Toiletries You’d Like (makeup, shampoo, lotion, toothbrush, etc.)
Comfortable Going Home Outfit (loose soft clothing or pajamas)
If you will be there a few days, you will benefit from bringing some of the nursing supplies, perineal supplies, and more from our postpartum list linked below.
For Baby:
CARSEAT Installed in Car
2-3 Newborn Outfits
Nursing Pillow (if you will be there for a few days. We HIGHLY recommend the Brest Friend over others.)
Blanket (for Car Seat)
Small Amount Coconut/Olive Oil (for baby's bum to keep meconium from sticking)
Newborn/Size 1 Diapers (if you have a preferred brand over hospital)

We hope these lists help in all that nesting as you get ready to meet your precious baby face to face! May God bless you and your family during this special time and provide everything you need to welcome this baby in the joy, peace, and grace He offers.