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Made for This Birth
Because of Her Joy: Carissa's Hospital Water Birth of Zelie Grace
I was more than ready for baby number two to make their grand entrance into the world. I hit my due date on Monday, March 15 and started...
43 Weeks, Long Labor, and "Big" Baby: Cassandra's Home Water Birth of Anna Rose
As we approached our due date of August 4th, I felt comfortable and calm. My heart was filled with excitement but I felt entirely content...
From Hospital to Birth Center to Home: Kendall's Redemptive Birth of Baby Dominic
Background: My first birth was a classic 32 hour hospital induction with the cascade of interventions. I had complications that left me...
The Precipitous Home Birth of Adam Kolbe
It was a hot and beautiful summer evening one year ago that our Adam Kolbe exploded into the world. I'm sharing the last of my birth...
The Home Water Birth of Peter Simon Lolek
Four years ago today our sixth son Peter was born! So here's his birth story! Just one left to complete them all, I promise ;) We knew...
From Hospital to Home: Mary's Home Water Birth of Her Second Baby
I think it's important to begin by saying that I grew up in a very typical American household; my family ate a standard American diet...
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